Monday, November 16, 2009

I Feel Like


The Onion does a great job satirizing the stereotypical tea drinker. I can't help but imagine myself in a pink bonnet with teddy bears throwing a tea party with tea made from 'pretty flowers'. But for many the high class aspect of tea is very appealing, particularly compared to the incredibly common, and hence mundane, coffee. Because tea is not incredibly ubiquitous in American society the 'classy' and 'British' stereotype is a draw for those looking to try something new, I know it was a pull for me, and it shows in my sign out.


1 comment:

  1. I love the Onion. It was one of the only feeds that I really read for a long time.

    Tea took on a new meaning for me while I lived outside the country. It isn't an "american thing" in the slightest and I wish it was. I remember the first thing I wanted in the morning was a fresh lemon tea (my own concoction) lemon, a faint amount of sugar used while crushing up the lemon to turn it into a paste just before adding hot water. I would drink it every morning while reading.

    Then throughout the day we would drink hot water with a spoonful of fresh jam (A Russian tradition) that seemed to soothe the soul.

    At night, Каркаде (which I believe is Hibiscus Tea) to wash away the cares of the day. Oh tea, why don't I find time for you any more?

    You are so right. Tea drinking is so foreign to Americans. It's sad too. It is a great way to unwind or socialize. I really miss that about the Russian culture.
